
A selection of products I've designed. I can manufacture them to order.

Drag to rotate, scroll/pinch to zoom, all that.

Wireless Charging Dock

Charging pads are fickle, if the phone isn't perfectly centered on the coils it doesn't charge right. This fixes that.

Works with all phones, at either orientation. 30 degree angle so you can use your phone while it charges. Wire routing built in.

Hexagon Marker Organizer

6 sides, 6 colors. Hexagon grids lend themselves very well to color theory.

Designed to house Ohuhu markers out of the box, but can be customized to house any art supply - even pencils. A real life color wheel for easy color selection.

Hexagon Watercolor Half-Pan

6 sides, 6 colors. Hexagon grids lend themselves very well to color theory.

Can be plopped onto any magnetic surface to add a color wheel to your watercolor process.

Business Card Holder

Leave an impression along with your business cards. Customizable.

Tactical Pick

A guitar pick with a tactical grip. Thickness can be adjusted to preference in millimeters.

There is a wave variation as well, and one with 3D text.